February 4, 2009

Proper Running Technique

What is going through our minds while we run? Some of us listen to music but you are most likely letting your mind go off. It becomes a mere meditative state. Now, it is a good thing if you are relaxed. However, as in anything else, form and structure are vital to the success of our efforts. And unless we tune our focus into our posture, our attempts will only weaken us over time.

First, become aware of your spine. It should be a straight line from your tailbone to the top of your head. Then lean forward, allowing gravity to aid you slightly. While you run, keep your head just above or in front of where your feet land. Your feet should plant directly below your knees with your toes pointing ahead, not in or out. This will relieve some of the torque placed on your joints, especially your knees. Your legs and arms should never cross over the center of your body. Make relaxed fists and bend your arms, keeping your hands close to your arm pit.

As you run, there are a few things to keep in mind as well as posture. Imagine you are running on a line and try to keep it between your feet. Also, be sure to accent the back half of your running motion. Allow your arm and legs to swing behind you only to propel you forward. Ensure that neither your legs nor your arms are crossing over the center of your body and in a North to South motion. Keep your gaze just under the horizon but stay loose. Look around and enjoy the scenery...or gym wall. Tension and stress are great deterrents in all aspects of health. Breath in through your nose and do not hold your breath. Keep a shallow, steady rhythm throughout your run.

It may seem overwhelming at first. Just write down your own condensed version and review it before you go out for a run. A common mistake is to think about how one looks while working out. Instead, channel your thoughts to the sensation of what you are doing. And most of all, remember how you feel when you get done.

For more information, read Chi Running by Danny Dreyer or visit The Runner's Corner.

1 comment:

  1. This is so useful. Everyone who cares about their health should read this!
